5 ways to level up your climbing


So you’ve hit an inevitable plateau in your climbing performance. What can you do next to reach your goals? Read below for some tips to level up your climbing. 

1. Be Consistent

Climbing demands physical and mental endurance that can be developed through consistent training. Regular practice of climbing techniques strengthens your body and your problem-solving skills and builds confidence. Consistent training helps you identify weaknesses and focus on improvement, leading to efficient progress.  Ultimately, climbing is a sport that rewards persistence and dedication, and consistency is vital for achieving long-term improvement and success.

2. Challenge Yourself and Forget about the Grades

We’ve all been guilty of grade chasing. Still, the personal challenge is more important than any number. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses that can make climbing grades subjective. Climbing is supposed to be fun, but when you focus on grades, that’s easy to lose sight of.

3. Focus on Footwork

Using your feet is one of the most essential techniques in climbing, and it has a HUGE impact on performance! Whatever the angle, terrain, or movement style, the ability to weight your feet effectively will make you successful in climbing from the first day to your fifth decade in the sport.

4. Climb on Different Terrain- not just what you’re the best at

We all like to succeed and hate to fail, but failure is part of climbing. It’s the best way to learn. Working on weaker aspects of your climbing may not always be fun, but it’s the best way to round out and hone your skills. So, if you like slab, climb in the cave and work on your power! If you’re more comfortable on steep terrain, work on your balance and precision on the slab. 

(P.S. This applies to all aspects of your climbing, not just different terrain. Work on what you’re bad at!)

5. Find a Buddy

Climbing is much more fun if you have someone to share the experience with. You get the benefit of sharing beta and belays, and you can learn from your climbing partner too. You will likely have different strengths and weaknesses than your partner, and you can help each other work through and address gaps in your skillset. 

Looking for more climbing support? Check out our Adult Classes and Private Coaching!