4 Underrated Practices to Help Manage Fear in Climbing


Whether you’re scared of heights, falling, or failing, climbing has it all. Learning how to manage (and overcome) your fears will help you accomplish your climbing and personal goals. Below are four underrated practices to help calm your fear in climbing.

1. smart goals

SMART Goals are a widely accepted goal-setting practice. SMART Goals are specific in defining who, when, and where of your goal. They should be measurable to track your progress and be attainable and realistic to obtain in a specific timeframe. These are a great way to keep track of the ‘micro-progress’ in climbing and can help keep you motivated.

2. Positive Self-Talk

Sometimes the mantra “you suck, try harder” isn’t constructive. You will undoubtedly find yourself in frustrating situations in your climbing, and positive self-talk can help you manage these frustrations. You can apply positive self-talk to increase motivation, build self-confidence after mistakes, and diffuse tense situations. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish when you give yourself some love.

3. Practice Falls

Whether you are scared to fall in the bouldering or ropes area, incremental practice falls can help you build confidence. You learn to trust yourself, your protection, and your climbing partners by taking practice falls.

4. supportive Climbing Partners and Community

Be sure to choose your partners based on your needs for the session, not just because you’re friends but because your climbing partners help set the mood for your session. Sometimes you need gentle support, and sometimes you need fierce determination and accountability. Choose someone who can help you during whatever type of session you need.

Looking for more climbing support? Check out our Adult Classes and Private Coaching!